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2024-02-01 15:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


{-rfc}: Output in RFC (Request For Comment) style

{-infile infile}: Input file name

{-outfile outfile}: Output file name

{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-sigalg sigalg}: Signature algorithm name

{-dname dname}: Distinguished name

{-startdate startdate}: Certificate validity start date and time

{-ext ext}*: X.509 extension

{-validity days}: Validity number of days

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument. For example, if MyProvider is a legacy provider loaded via reflection,

keytool -providerclass com.example.MyProvider ...

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Generates a certificate as a response to a certificate request file (which can be created by the keytool -certreq command). The command reads the request from infile (if omitted, from the standard input), signs it using alias's private key, and outputs the X.509 certificate into outfile (if omitted, to the standard output). When-rfc is specified, the output format is Base64-encoded PEM; otherwise, a binary DER is created.

The sigalg value specifies the algorithm that should be used to sign the certificate. The startdate argument is the start time and date that the certificate is valid. The valDays argument tells the number of days for which the certificate should be considered valid.

When dname is provided, it is used as the subject of the generated certificate. Otherwise, the one from the certificate request is used.

The ext value shows what X.509 extensions will be embedded in the certificate. Read Common Options for the grammar of -ext.

The -gencert option enables you to create certificate chains. The following example creates a certificate, e1, that contains three certificates in its certificate chain.

The following commands creates four key pairs named ca, ca1, ca2, and e1:

keytool -alias ca -dname CN=CA -genkeypair keytool -alias ca1 -dname CN=CA -genkeypair keytool -alias ca2 -dname CN=CA -genkeypair keytool -alias e1 -dname CN=E1 -genkeypair

The following two commands create a chain of signed certificates; ca signs ca1 and ca1 signs ca2, all of which are self-issued:

keytool -alias ca1 -certreq | keytool -alias ca -gencert -ext san=dns:ca1 | keytool -alias ca1 -importcert keytool -alias ca2 -certreq | $KT -alias ca1 -gencert -ext san=dns:ca2 | $KT -alias ca2 -importcert

The following command creates the certificate e1 and stores it in the file e1.cert, which is signed by ca2. As a result, e1 should contain ca, ca1, and ca2 in its certificate chain:

keytool -alias e1 -certreq | keytool -alias ca2 -gencert > e1.cert -genkeypair

{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-keyalg alg}: Key algorithm name

{-keysize size}: Key bit size

{-groupname name}: Group name. For example, an Elliptic Curve name

{-sigalg alg}: Signature algorithm name

-destalias alias: Destination alias

[-dname name]: Distinguished name

{-startdate date}: Certificate validity start date and time

[-ext value]*: X.509 extension

{-validity days}: Validity number of days

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Generates a key pair (a public key and associated private key). Wraps the public key into an X.509 v3 self-signed certificate, which is stored as a single-element certificate chain. This certificate chain and the private key are stored in a new keystore entry identified by alias.

The keyalg value specifies the algorithm to be used to generate the key pair, and the keysize value specifies the size of each key to be generated. The sigalg value specifies the algorithm that should be used to sign the self-signed certificate. This algorithm must be compatible with the keyalg value.

The groupname value specifies a named group when generating a key pair. The groupname option is preferred over the keysize option because there may be more than one curve of the same size. For example:

keytool -genkeypair -keyalg EC -groupname secp384r1

will generate an Elliptic Curve key pair by using the secp384r1 curve.

The dname value specifies the X.500 Distinguished Name to be associated with the value of alias, and is used as the issuer and subject fields in the self-signed certificate. If no distinguished name is provided at the command line, then the user is prompted for one.

The value of keypass is a password used to protect the private key of the generated key pair. If no password is provided, then the user is prompted for it. If you press the Return key at the prompt, then the key password is set to the same password as the keystore password. The keypass value must be at least 6 characters.

The value of startdate specifies the issue time of the certificate, also known as the "Not Before" value of the X.509 certificate's Validity field.

The option value can be set in one of these two forms:


[yyyy/mm/dd] [HH:MM:SS]

With the first form, the issue time is shifted by the specified value from the current time. The value is a concatenation of a sequence of subvalues. Inside each subvalue, the plus sign (+) means shift forward, and the minus sign (-) means shift backward. The time to be shifted is nnn units of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds (denoted by a single character of y, m, d, H, M, or S respectively). The exact value of the issue time is calculated using the java.util.GregorianCalendar.add(int field, int amount) method on each subvalue, from left to right. For example, by specifying, the issue time will be:

Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); c.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1); c.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); c.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); return c.getTime()

With the second form, the user sets the exact issue time in two parts, year/month/day and hour:minute:second (using the local time zone). The user can provide only one part, which means the other part is the same as the current date (or time). The user must provide the exact number of digits as shown in the format definition (padding with 0 when shorter). When both the date and time are provided, there is one (and only one) space character between the two parts. The hour should always be provided in 24 hour format.

When the option is not provided, the start date is the current time. The option can be provided at most once.

The value of valDays specifies the number of days (starting at the date specified by -startdate, or the current date when -startdate is not specified) for which the certificate should be considered valid.

This command was named -genkey in earlier releases. The old name is still supported in this release. The new name, -genkeypair, is preferred going forward.


{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

[-keypass arg] : Key password

{-keyalg alg}: Key algorithm name

{-keysize size}: Key bit size

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Generates a secret key and stores it in a new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry identified by alias.

The value of keyalg specifies the algorithm to be used to generate the secret key, and the value of keysize specifies the size of the key to be generated. The keypass value is a password that protects the secret key. If no password is provided, then the user is prompted for it. If you press the Return key at the prompt, then the key password is set to the same password that is used for the keystore. The keypass value must be at least 6 characters.


{-noprompt}: Do not prompt

{-trustcacerts}: Trust certificates from cacerts

{-protected}: Password is provided through protected mechanism

{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-file file}: Input file name

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

Reads the certificate or certificate chain (where the latter is supplied in a PKCS#7 formatted reply or a sequence of X.509 certificates) from the file cert_file, and stores it in the keystore entry identified by alias. If no file is specified, then the certificate or certificate chain is read from stdin.

The keytool command can import X.509 v1, v2, and v3 certificates, and PKCS#7 formatted certificate chains consisting of certificates of that type. The data to be imported must be provided either in binary encoding format or in printable encoding format (also known as Base64 encoding) as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 standard. In the latter case, the encoding must be bounded at the beginning by a string that starts with -----BEGIN, and bounded at the end by a string that starts with -----END.

You import a certificate for two reasons: To add it to the list of trusted certificates, and to import a certificate reply received from a certificate authority (CA) as the result of submitting a Certificate Signing Request to that CA (see the -certreq option in Commands).

Which type of import is intended is indicated by the value of the -alias option. If the alias does not point to a key entry, then the keytool command assumes you are adding a trusted certificate entry. In this case, the alias should not already exist in the keystore. If the alias does already exist, then the keytool command outputs an error because there is already a trusted certificate for that alias, and does not import the certificate. If the alias points to a key entry, then the keytool command assumes you are importing a certificate reply.


{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keyalg alg}: Key algorithm name

{-keysize size}: Key bit size

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Imports a passphrase and stores it in a new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry identified by alias. The passphrase may be supplied via the standard input stream; otherwise the user is prompted for it. keypass is a password used to protect the imported passphrase. If no password is provided, the user is prompted for it. If you press the Return key at the prompt, the key password is set to the same password as that used for the keystore. keypass must be at least 6 characters long.


{-srckeystore keystore}: Source keystore name

{-destkeystore keystore}: Destination keystore name

{-srcstoretype type}: Source keystore type

{-deststoretype type}: Destination keystore type

[-srcstorepass arg]: Source keystore password

[-deststorepass arg]: Destination keystore password

{-srcprotected Source keystore password protected

{-srcprovidername name}: Source keystore provider name

{-destprotected}: Destination keystore password protected

{-destprovidername name}: Destination keystore provider name

{-srcalias alias}: Source alias

{-destalias alias}: Destination alias

[-srckeypass arg]: Source key password

[-destkeypass arg]: Destination key password

{-noprompt}: Do not prompt

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

Imports a single entry or all entries from a source keystore to a destination keystore.

When the -srcalias option is provided, the command imports the single entry identified by the alias to the destination keystore. If a destination alias is not provided with destalias, then srcalias is used as the destination alias. If the source entry is protected by a password, then srckeypass is used to recover the entry. If srckeypass is not provided, then the keytool command attempts to use srcstorepass to recover the entry. If srcstorepass is either not provided or is incorrect, then the user is prompted for a password. The destination entry is protected with destkeypass. If destkeypass is not provided, then the destination entry is protected with the source entry password. For example, most third-party tools require storepass and keypass in a PKCS #12 keystore to be the same. In order to create a PKCS #12 keystore for these tools, always specify a -destkeypass to be the same as -deststorepass.

If the -srcalias option is not provided, then all entries in the source keystore are imported into the destination keystore. Each destination entry is stored under the alias from the source entry. If the source entry is protected by a password, then srcstorepass is used to recover the entry. If srcstorepass is either not provided or is incorrect, then the user is prompted for a password. If a source keystore entry type is not supported in the destination keystore, or if an error occurs while storing an entry into the destination keystore, then the user is prompted whether to skip the entry and continue or to quit. The destination entry is protected with the source entry password.

If the destination alias already exists in the destination keystore, then the user is prompted to either overwrite the entry or to create a new entry under a different alias name.

If the -noprompt option is provided, then the user is not prompted for a new destination alias. Existing entries are overwritten with the destination alias name. Entries that cannot be imported are skipped and a warning is displayed.


{-file file}: Input file name

{-v}: Verbose output

Prints the content of a PKCS #10 format certificate request, which can be generated by the keytool -certreq command. The command reads the request from file. If there is no file, then the request is read from the standard input.


{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-sigalg alg}: Signature algorithm name

{-file file}: Output file name

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

{-dname name}: Distinguished name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected }: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the PKCS #10 format.

A CSR is intended to be sent to a certificate authority (CA). The CA authenticates the certificate requestor (usually off-line) and will return a certificate or certificate chain, used to replace the existing certificate chain (which initially consists of a self-signed certificate) in the keystore.

The private key associated with alias is used to create the PKCS #10 certificate request. To access the private key, the correct password must be provided. If keypass is not provided at the command line and is different from the password used to protect the integrity of the keystore, then the user is prompted for it. If dname is provided, then it is used as the subject in the CSR. Otherwise, the X.500 Distinguished Name associated with alias is used.

The sigalg value specifies the algorithm that should be used to sign the CSR.

The CSR is stored in the file certreq_file. If no file is specified, then the CSR is output to stdout.

Use the importcert command to import the response from the CA.


{-rfc}: Output in RFC style

{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-file file}: Output file name

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v }: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Reads from the keystore the certificate associated with alias and stores it in the cert_file file. When no file is specified, the certificate is output to stdout.

The certificate is by default output in binary encoding. If the -rfc option is specified, then the output in the printable encoding format defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

If alias refers to a trusted certificate, then that certificate is output. Otherwise, alias refers to a key entry with an associated certificate chain. In that case, the first certificate in the chain is returned. This certificate authenticates the public key of the entity addressed by alias.

This command was named -export in earlier releases. The old name is still supported in this release. The new name, -exportcert, is preferred going forward.


{-rfc}: Output in RFC style

{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg] }: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Prints to stdout the contents of the keystore entry identified by alias. If no alias is specified, then the contents of the entire keystore are printed.

This command by default prints the SHA256 fingerprint of a certificate. If the -v option is specified, then the certificate is printed in human-readable format, with additional information such as the owner, issuer, serial number, and any extensions. If the -rfc option is specified, then the certificate contents are printed using the printable encoding format, as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

You cannot specify both -v and -rfc.


{-rfc}: Output in RFC style

{-file cert_file}: Input file name

{-sslserver server[:port]}: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server host and port

{-jarfile JAR_file}: Signed .jar file

{-v}: Verbose output

Reads the certificate from the file cert_file, the SSL server located at host:port, or the signed JAR file JAR_file (with the -jarfile option) and prints its contents in a human-readable format. When no port is specified, the standard HTTPS port 443 is assumed. Note that -sslserver and -file options cannot be provided at the same time. Otherwise, an error is reported. If neither option is specified, then the certificate is read from stdin.

When -rfc is specified, the keytool command prints the certificate in PEM mode as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding standard. See Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

If the certificate is read from a file or stdin, then it might be either binary encoded or in printable encoding format, as defined by the RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding standard.

If the SSL server is behind a firewall, then the -J-Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost and -J-Dhttps.proxyPort=proxyport options can be specified on the command line for proxy tunneling. See Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide at

Note: This option can be used independently of a keystore.


-file crl: Input file name

{-v}: Verbose output

Reads the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the file crl. A CRL is a list of digital certificates that were revoked by the CA that issued them. The CA generates the crl file.

Note: This option can be used independently of a keystore.


[-new arg]: New password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

Changes the password used to protect the integrity of the keystore contents. The new password is new_storepass, which must be at least 6 characters.


{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

[-keypass old_keypass]: Key password

[-new new_keypass]: New password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

{-storepass arg}: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

Changes the password under which the private/secret key identified by alias is protected, from old_keypass to new_keypass, which must be at least 6 characters.

If the -keypass option is not provided at the command line, and the key password is different from the keystore password, then the user is prompted for it.

If the -new option is not provided at the command line, then the user is prompted for it


[-alias alias]: Alias name of the entry to process

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Deletes from the keystore the entry identified by alias. The user is prompted for the alias, when no alias is provided at the command line.


{-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process

[-destalias alias]: Destination alias

[-keypass arg]: Key password

{-keystore keystore}: Keystore name

[-storepass arg]: Keystore password

{-storetype type}: Keystore type

{-providername name}: Provider name

{-providerclass class [-providerarg arg]}: Add security provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure argument.

{-providerpath list}: Provider classpath

{-v}: Verbose output

{-protected}: Password provided through a protected mechanism

Move an existing keystore entry from the specified alias to a new alias, destalias. If no destination alias is provided, then the command prompts for one. If the original entry is protected with an entry password, then the password can be supplied with the -keypass option. If no key password is provided, then the storepass (if provided) is attempted first. If the attempt fails, then the user is prompted for a password.


Lists the basic commands and their options.

For more information about a specific command, enter the following, where command_name is the name of the command: keytool -command_name -help.






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